B i o g r a p h y
Joseph Mendez is a world-class violinist and performer. His music is anointed. Joseph's passion for the violin and music began as a young child. He started playing the violin at the age of 12. Joseph followed his dreams and his call when he was accepted to the University of North Texas, one of the leading music schools in the country. Later he attended the Longy School of Music in Boston. Joseph also studied for a year in Sweden.
The Lord has blessed Joseph with an amazing wife and 8 beautiful children, most of whom he raised while ministering with the violin around the world.
When Joseph fell in love with the Word of G-d, he also received a deep love and respect for Israel and the Jewish people. In 2005 when the Jewish families in Gaza/Gush Katif were violently expelled from their homes, Joseph moved to Israel to minister to hundreds of refugees scattered throughout the land. The anointed music was like the balm of Gilad on their broken hearts as he played folk and modern Israeli songs during one of modern Israel's most difficult times.
Joseph travels and performs as the Music Director for ADHONEP a Businessmen's organization of Mexico. He has been invited throughout the globe and is available to perform for all who want to turn their attention to glorify the Lord.